Helix Nebula by D. Schwartzenberg, 12.5″ Newtonian, QSI683
Helix Nebula by D. Schwartzenberg, 12.5″ Newtonian, QSI683
M81 Bodes Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M81 Bodes Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M82 Cigar Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M82 Cigar Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
NGC 2244 by Tim Stone, 16″ Imaging Harmer Wynne, SBIG STX16803
NGC 2244 by Tim Stone, 16″ Imaging Harmer Wynne, SBIG STX16803
Rosette Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian, Apogee U16M
Rosette Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian, Apogee U16M
Crescent Nebula by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
Crescent Nebula by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M1 Crab Nebula by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M1 Crab Nebula by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
Whale Galaxy by S. Armen, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
Whale Galaxy by S. Armen, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M101 Galaxy by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M101 Galaxy by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
Vdb 141 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
Vdb 141 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M45 Pleiades by D. Schwartzenberg, 12.5″ Newtonian, QSI683
M45 Pleiades by D. Schwartzenberg, 12.5″ Newtonian, QSI683
Helix Nebula by A. Carleton, 14.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham
Helix Nebula by A. Carleton, 14.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham
IC5146 by D. Schwartzenberg, 12.5″ Newtonian, QSI683
IC5146 by D. Schwartzenberg, 12.5″ Newtonian, QSI683
Rosette Nebula by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
Rosette Nebula by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
Pelican Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian, Apogee U16M
Pelican Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian, Apogee U16M
M81 Bodes Galaxy by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M81 Bodes Galaxy by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
NGC2361 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
NGC2361 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
NGC 6960 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
NGC 6960 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
NGC4725 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
NGC4725 by M. Miller, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M101 Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M101 Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
IC405 by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
IC405 by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M27 Dumbbell Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M27 Dumbbell Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, Apogee U16M
M13 Hercules Star Cluster by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M13 Hercules Star Cluster by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M57 Ring Nebula by S. Riley, 14.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham
M57 Ring Nebula by S. Riley, 14.5″ Imaging Dall Kirkham
NGC7331 by S. Armen, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
NGC7331 by S. Armen, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M27 by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M27 by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
M42 Orion Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian, Apogee U16
M42 Orion Nebula by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian, Apogee U16
M81 and M81 Galaxies by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian
M81 and M81 Galaxies by S. Johnson, 12.5″ Newtonian
Horsehead Nebula by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
Horsehead Nebula by G. Fountain, 10″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, QSI683
Narrowband Lagoon Nebula by D. Wilson, 14″ Imaging Harmer Wynne, SBIG STXL 11002M
Narrowband Lagoon Nebula by D. Wilson, 14″ Imaging Harmer Wynne, SBIG STXL 11002M
M33 Triangulum Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M
M33 Triangulum Galaxy by D. Wilson, 17″ Imaging Dall Kirkham, SBIG STXL 11002M